Get More Customers & Grow your Business with These Marketing Tips.
The BizMetrics Marketing Minute
Volume 6, Issue 2.
For our regular readers, you'll note a new title. Our blog and newsletters will now be called The BizMetrics Marketing Minute. We've listened to your feedback and our format is changing too in response. Your blog will be shorter, providing more of a summary and key points approach. An expanded Newsletter is coming this fall. Also this fall will be a weekly Podcast cover the latest hot topics for entrepreneurs in 2 minutes or less. Just like before, look for this amazing content on Tuesdays. Finally, a new website will appear over the summer. We hope you find all of this useful and, as always, please keep your feedback and suggestions coming.
Online marketing is a large component of marketing for many small businesses. There are many aspects to online marketing that you'll want to consider for your business. Here are a few for your consideration.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is huge, and it consists of generating articles, blog posts, social media updates, white papers, videos, and other educational materials about your company's products and services. Content marketing provides your prospects with something to read, watch, or learn from. You can offer your content via your website, social media pages, a special landing page, in a blog, in the description portion of your profiles, via paid ads, or almost anywhere online. Your content should promote your brand as well as show your prospect how to use your product or service.
Video has become incredibly important. It's no longer enough to generate text. Graphics are better than text, but video trumps them all when it comes to effectiveness, higher search rankings, engagement, and most importantly sales conversions. The good news is that hiring a professional video team is not that expensive anymore. And while a good video camera is less than $500 and smartphones are video capable, in order to get decent footage you need to have some skill and a plan. Otherwise it might look like a clip on one of those funniest video shows.
It's no longer enough to simply have a website. Being listed in online directories will help your business expand its visibility. Some common directories with a wide reach for small business include:
Yellow Pages (online version)
Your local Chamber of Commerce / Board of Trade
Google for Business (Google Places)
Some of these directories work best if you ask customers to post reviews. Be sure to also check out your local, regional and industry-specific directories.
Social Media
Including social media in your digital marketing is a no-brainer today. Graphic and video posts are far more effective than text posts, so it's important to make this content switch if you haven't already. If you've focused on the "big 3" platforms LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter it might be time to try some new ones. Pinterest and Instagram lend themselves to graphic representation of your product. Google Plus is often overlooked but can really help search engine rankings. And YouTube is a must because of the importance of video.
Public Relations
Digital PR has been around for a while as well. If you don't already have a Press or Media page on your website, consider this addition. It can list contact information for reporters as well as a list of articles that your product, company, or employees have been featured in. You can also post press releases to this page. Distributing press releases is less expensive than ever with options such as PRWeb and PRNewswire.
Keep these marketing ideas as well as being watchful for latest trends. Marketing is truly the key to generating more revenue and growing your business. And the team at BizMetrics is ready to help. For results you can count on, contact us at 1 844 577 7654 or at